(工具邦 技術提供)

現在宅配電商上千家, 而且是西式甜點居多, 但是有哪些是較優的中式料理宅配? 選擇宅配時, 通常會看有無實體店面, 因為衛生局都會定期勘查,  這次有機會可體驗到位於高雄有實體店面的明誠炒米粉, 從1997年的路邊攤進化到店面經營,甚至現在有提供網購宅配服務, 這是需要店家不斷地努力經營和消費者不間斷的支持啊.  There are many online stores in Taiwan. Most of them are western style food products, such as cakes, pastry…etc. However, which online store provide trust-worthy and also delicious Chinese cuisines?  Ming-Chan Rice Noodle’s actual store is located at Kaohsiung, Taiwan. With efforts and consumers’ support, they transformed from street food stand to actual store and e-commerce. Now, I have the opportunity to review their products.


前幾年公告依現行規定,有含米量100%才能稱為純米粉, 介於50%~100%則稱為調和米粉,新竹人的米粉定義是“粗米粉” (也稱為“水粉”), 南部人口中稱的米粉則是細米粉 (也稱為炊粉). Few years ago, Taiwan FDA announced that noodle product contains 100% rice can be called rice noodle. Others will be called “mixed noodle”. But this law was revised because chefs stated that it would be difficult to cook 100% rice noodle because it would break easily.  




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